KC/British Veterinary Association
Heart Testing Scheme
Dr Jeff Sampson wrote to the three clubs about the possibility of establishing this new scheme that would operate on similar lines to the three existing BVA/KC schemes (hip, elbow and eye). There would be a specialist panel of cardiologists doing the testing with the KC publishing the outcome of tests. An initial pilot scheme was proposed, based on a number of breeds that already have made a considerable commitment to heart testing via their breed schemes. Our breed was one of the six that were suggested as possible breeds that might be interested in participation.
Our thoughts were asked for, and the group replied acknowledging the initiative in principle, but subject to our concerns being satisfied, the main one being that Dr Serena Brownlie should be involved at all stages and that our existing scheme, which was working well, should form the basis of any KC/BVA scheme that might be introduced in the future.
We expressed concern that we could end up running two schemes in parallel. We also mentioned some issues that would have to be addressed, such as the possible interface between Serena's database and data arising from the new scheme, confidentiality or otherwise of results and possible inclusion of heart testing as an element of ABS.