Regional Heart Screening
Dates and locations 2024
Due to the webmaster's ill-health, it is, for now, not possible to update this website. Please visit our Facebook page for details of upcoming heart screening sessions, and then return here to make your booking. If you aren't on Facebook
please email the Heart Screening Administrator for a list of dates.
We apologise for the unavoidable inconvenience and hope that normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
after you have checked the sessions available on
It is with regret that, due to increasing costs, we have to announce a rise in the fee for heart screening to £100 for each hound with effect from January 2024. We hope everyone will continue to support the scheme to ensure that the sessions are filled, as we are unable to run them if there are not sufficient numbers.
This is our first price increase since 2020, and remains excellent value for money for a three part screening which through an independent cardiologist practice can cost anything from £250 to £600.
- Veterans: Wolfhounds aged seven on the date of screening are eligible for one half-price screen in 2024 courtesy of the Irish Wolfhound Club.
- Superveterans: Wolfhounds aged eight or over on the day of screening are eligible for one free screen in 2024, courtesy of the Irish Wolfhound Health Group, and a second screen at half-price, courtesy of the Irish Wolfhound Club.

To sign up for our mailing list to be informed of sessions
To be added to the cancellation list for a fully booked session,
If you wish your wolfhound to be screened privately click here to locate a cardiologist in your area who is a member of the Veterinary Cardiovascular Society. You may wish to present this letter explaining the IWHG heart screening programme to your cardiologist.

Photo: Chris Cook